sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2012

Manuscritos do Mar Morto com mais de 2 milênios estão online

Milhares de manuscritos do Mar Morto, que datam de mais de dois milênios atrás, foram fotografados e a partir de agora podem ser consultados na internet, anunciou nesta terça-feira a Autoridade de Antiguidades israelense. Entre esses manuscritos, figuram fragmentos dos pergaminhos mais antigos do Antigo Testamento descobertos até agora, em particular os Dez Mandamentos, do capítulo 1 do Gênese, até os Salmos e o Livro de Isaías, em sua integralidade e textos apócrifos.
As técnicas mais modernas de tratamento da imagem, desenvolvidas principalmente por especialistas da Nasa, foram utilizadas para arquivar e tirar do anonimato o conjunto dos milhares de fragmentos de manuscritos até agora pouco acessíveis ao grande público devido a sua fragilidade.
Os procedimentos empregados permitirão também analisar melhor o estado de conservação desses documentos, que datam do terceiro ao primeiro século de nossa era. O lugar onde foram encontrados os rolos do Mar Morto, considerados uma das descobertas arqueológicas mais importantes do século XX, foi localizado por acaso por um pastor de cabras em 1947, em Qumran, em uma gruta perto do Mar Morto na Cisjordânia.
Os documentos mais antigos remontam ao século III antes de Cristo e o mais recente foi redigido no ano 70, no momento da destruição do segundo Templo judeu por legiões romanas. A maioria desses documentos estão conservados no Museu de Israel, em Jerusalém, e alguns foram apresentados no exterior, mas sua fragilidade limita sua manipulação e sua exposição à luz.
Os documentos podem ser vistos no endereço (navegação em The discovery of the first Dead Sea Scrolls in a remote Judean Desert cave in 1947 is widely considered the greatest archaeological event of the twentieth century. Bedouin treasure hunters and archaeologists ultimately found the remains of hundreds of ancient scrolls. These fragile pieces of parchment and papyrus, including the oldest existing copies of the Hebrew Bible, were preserved for two thousand years by the hot, dry desert climate and the darkness of the caves where they were placed. The scrolls provide an unprecedented picture of the diverse religious beliefs of ancient Judaism, and of daily life during the turbulent Second Temple period when Jesus lived and preached.
‏Biblical ScrollsFragments of every book of the Hebrew Bible (except the Book of Esther) were found in the Qumran caves, the most famous of the Dead Sea Scrolls sites. Remarkably, some of these ancient copies are identical to the traditional text of the Hebrew Bible that is used today. Other copies preserve differences in the text, which was in the process of standardisation.


4Q Genesisg

Date: 100–1 bce, Late Hasmonean Period
Language: Hebrew

Among the oldest known copies of Genesis, the fragment of the Scroll shown here contains the description of the first three days of the creation of the world.


4Q Deuteronomyn

Date: 30–1 bce,
Herodian Period
Language: Hebrew

This small scroll preserves one of the earliest known copies of the “Ten Commandments” (the Decalogue), a central dogma in Judaism and Christianity, and the majestic description of their divine revelation at Mount Sinai.


11Q Psalmsa

Date: 1–68 ce,
Herodian Period
Language: Hebrew

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity”
— PSALMS 133:1
This book of Psalms is one of the best preserved biblical scrolls, containing 48 psalms, including 7 that are not found in the standard Masoretic version of the Bible. An additional prose passage provides one of the most ancient references to King David as the composer of the book of Psalms: “and David, the son of Jesse, was wise, and a light like the light of the sun... And he wrote 3,600 psalms.” Psalm 133, shown here, praises peace and togetherness.


11Q paleoLeviticusa

Date: 1–50 ce, Herodian Period
Language: Hebrew

This copy of the book of Leviticus is written in the ancient Hebrew script used in First Temple times. The fragment shown here deals with the prohibition against the ancient cultic practice of sacrificing children to the Semitic god Molech, and the punishments for violating this ban.


4Q Phylactery H

Date: 200 bce – 50 ce, Hellenistic-Roman Period Language: Hebrew

The tefillin (“phylacteries”) found in the Qumran caves are the earliest known examples of these ritual objects—leather capsules containing scrolls with excerpts of biblical texts. Modern versions of these artifacts are still produced and used today.
Right: Tefillin capsules from Qumran Cave 4.
Dimensions: ~ 1×2 cm
Photo by: Clara Amit


8Hev Twelve Minor Prophets

Date: 50–1 bce, Herodian Period
Language: Greek

The “Twelve Minor Prophets” scrolls from the Judean Desert offer early evidence for the compilation of these short prophetic books into a single literary work. This particular fragment, from a Greek translation of the Minor Prophets discovered in the Cave of Horror at Nahal Hever, contains a prophecy of Micah about the End of Days and the rise of a ruler out of Bethlehem.
Non-Biblical ScrollsNon-biblical texts discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls offer us a tantalizing glimpse of life during the Second Temple period and the opportunity to understand the attitudes, desires and aspirations of the people of that time. Most of the scrolls from the Qumran caves are religious writings from the Second Temple period. Some of these reflect the life and philosophy of a distinctive group that called itself the “Yahad” (“Community”). At other sites, the major finds were administrative and personal documents dating from the catastrophic Judean revolt against Rome in 132–135 ce.


4Q Serekh ha-Yahade

Date: 50–25 bce, Herodian Period
Language: Hebrew

The Community Rule contains laws and rules meant for members of a group termed the “Yahad”, or “Community.” The regulations offer insights into the religious and social lives of this group, which some scholars have identified with the Essenes, a Jewish sect at the time of the Second Temple. This selected text describes the structure of leadership within this hierarchical, priestly society.


4Q Enocha

Date: 150–50 bce,
Hasmonean Period
Language: Aramaic

The book of Enoch was not included in the canon of the Hebrew Bible. It tells of Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, who lived for 365 years and “walked with God”. The displayed fragment describes the heavenly revolt of the fallen angels, and their descent to earth to cohabit with the daughters of men and to reveal secret knowledge to mankind, a story hinted at in Gen. 6:1-4.


4Q Apocryphon of Daniel

Date: 50–1 bce, Herodian Period
Language: Aramaic

The Dead Sea Scrolls contain extensive apocalyptic literature relating to the final messianic battle at the End of Days. The Aramaic Apocryphon of Daniel describes either a messianic figure or a boastful ruler that will arise as “Son of God” or “Son of the Most High”, like the apocalyptic redeemer in the biblical book of Daniel. The text calls to mind the New Testament proclamation of the angel Gabriel concerning the new-born Jesus: “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High… ” (Luke 1:32)


11Q Sefer ha-Milhamah

Date: 20–50 ce, Herodian Period
Language: Hebrew

The Book of War details an apocalyptic 40-year battle between the forces of good and evil. This fragment preserves a blessing to be recited by the leader of the surviving community upon their victory in the final battle, at the end of time: “God Most High will bless you and shine his face upon you, and he will open for you his rich storehouse in the heavens.” God and his holy angels will bestow abundance and fertility upon the holy congregation, and protect them from plagues and wild animals.
The Archive

As part of the conservation efforts to preserve the Scrolls for future generations, the IAA has initiated the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls digitization project. Using the most advanced and innovative imaging technology, each Scroll fragment is                                                imaged in various wavelengths and in the highest resolution possible then uploaded to the Digital Library. For the first time ever, the Dead Sea Scrolls archive is becoming available to the public online.

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